UK & Ireland CHRO Executive Summit

21 June 2023 | Royal Lancaster London

21 June 2023
Royal Lancaster London

Collaborate with your peers

Get together with UK & Ireland's top CHROs to tackle shared business challenges and critical priorities facing your role today. Participate in this one-day, local program with peer-driven topics and interactive discussions with your true C-level peers.

Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CHROs today:

Shifting Business Focus From Critical Roles to Critical Skills

Revolutionising the Employee Experience to Aid Retention

New Ways of Leading for a New Era of Work

UK & Ireland CHRO Governing Body

The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CHROs, for CHROs.

What to Expect

Interactive Sessions

Hear from CHRO practitioners and thought leaders on how they're solving critical challenges impacting your role today in Keynote sessions, and join smaller, interactive discussions with your peers in Breakout and Boardroom sessions.

Community Networking

Make new connections and catch up with old friends in casual conversations during dedicated time for networking designed to better acquaint you with your UK & Ireland CHRO community.

Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Connect with like-minded peers in a private, one-on-one setting through Peer-to-Peer Meetings. You will be matched with peers in your community based on your shared interests and priorities.


20 June 2023

18:00 - 21:00  Governing Body Welcome Reception

Governing Body Welcome Reception

More details coming soon!

10:45 - 11:45  Networking Break

11:45 - 12:30  Breakout Session

Data-Driven Organisation Design Amid Economic Uncertainty

Rupert Morrison headshot

Rupert Morrison



The pace and frequency of change means CHROs are playing a more integral role than ever in business strategy and transformation. HR leaders must take a data-driven approach to organisation design and planning to meet strategic objectives and help the enterprise become more future-ready.

Join this session to hear Rupert Morrison, Founder of Orgvue, share:

  • How to balance growth and cost as a CHRO
  • How to use data to improve talent planning
  • How data can power alignment, speed and purpose of an organisation

11:45 - 12:30  Executive Boardroom

Focusing on Employee Fulfilment to Differentiate Your Value Proposition

Stuart Cheesman headshot

Stuart Cheesman

Client Strategist

O.C. Tanner

Elaine Bremner headshot

Elaine Bremner

Chief People Officer


Lisa Robbins headshot

Lisa Robbins

VP Partner Resources

Starbucks EMEA

As the contest for talent continues in a tight labour market, new global research from the O.C. Tanner Institute reveals what employees desire most: a sense of fulfilment at work. CHROs must make employee fulfilment a key differentiating factor by fostering workplace environments that encompass purpose, growth, balance, and community. This can be achieved when modern leaders actively facilitate meaningful experiences for their people and integrate recognition into their daily experience to reinforce and deepen connections to fulfilment.

Join this session to discuss:

  • How CHROs can shape policies and programmes that align with employee needs
  • How HR leaders can influence meaningful employee experiences
  • Why integrated recognition fortifies employees’ sense of fulfilment

11:45 - 12:30  Executive Boardroom

Communicate Value of Leadership Development to Stay Competitive

Brian Drain headshot

Brian Drain

Chief People Officer


Kath Ennis headshot

Kath Ennis

Chief People Officer


Paul Smith headshot

Paul Smith

Chief People Officer

Le Creuset

With turnover likely to remain high and a wave of retirements on the horizon, turning high-potentials into tomorrow’s leaders is a critical HR initiative. From succession planning to developing talent, how can CHROs ensure their organisations are set up with strong leadership now and into the future?

In this boardroom, CHROs will discuss how to:

  • Identify key behaviours of future leaders to build a diverse pipeline of roles
  •  Communicate succession plan early to ease the transition and encourage employee adoption
  • Champion leadership development to stakeholders to overcome lack of budget and board buy-in

12:30 - 13:30  Lunch Service

13:30 - 14:00  Keynote

CHROs, How Are You Feeling Today?

Jane Storm headshot

Jane Storm

Group People Director


Peter Collyer headshot

Peter Collyer

Chief People Officer

Ted Baker

Matthew Blake headshot

Matthew Blake

Former Chief People Officer

SThree plc

CHROs are under pressure to support the workforce from both a top-down and bottom-up perspective and their scope is only increasing. CHROs are expected to communicate with all levels of the business and excel at their ability to influence and affect change. CHROs must have courageous and often difficult conversations to drive change. In this session, we’ll explore how CHROs can keep their energy high and understand how to measure the extent of your influence. 

Join this panel to discuss:

  • Sharing different examples of relationships within the C-suite and discussing their influence
  • Determining effective communication strategies to influence and inspire action
  • Identifying methods for CHROs to support each other’s decisions and encourage open and honest conversations

08:15 - 09:00  Registration & Breakfast

09:00 - 09:45  Keynote

How CHROs Can Build Resilient Cultures

Marcia Goddard headshot

Marcia Goddard

Chief Culture Officer

The Contentment Foundation

Many CHROs are trying to effectively manage high-speed change without causing employee burnout and stress. To effectively drive rapid transformation, CHROs must learn how to manage change as a continuous process. This has never been more acute than in 2023 where resiliency and uncertainty continue to affect ‘business as usual’. Join Marcia Goddard as she shares the science behind how the brain deals with uncertainty, how a physiological stress response can actually lead to growth, and how the skills and behaviours underlying resilience are the deciding factors in determining whether people and organisations are able to achieve positive growth in times like these. Specifically, Marcia will discuss:

  • How CHROs can create psychological safety in the workplace, which is at the core of preventing employee fatigue and burnout
  • How to build and integrate well-being into the fabric of your company culture to better manage change
  • What factors to keep in mind when building these cultures remotely

09:45 - 10:00  Break

10:00 - 10:45  Breakout Session

Embracing Human-Centricity in Business – Is This the Right Path for You?

Zsuzsanna Ferenzci headshot

Zsuzsanna Ferenzci

Co-Author of Enter Your Flow and Global Partner

Conscious Business Institute

Do you ever find yourself yearning to be part of an organisation that inspires, fulfils, and leaves you feeling truly satisfied? It's no secret that the key ingredient to such organisations is their culture. Join this workshop to not only challenge your thinking on human-centred leadership but also guide you through self-reflective exercises that will help you uncover what this means to you on a personal level.

In this workshop, you will explore:

  • The four principles of a human-centric business
  • The sacrifices required for a truly human-centric culture and if you still think human-centric culture is for you
  • Easy steps you can take for yourself, your team, and your organisation on your way to human centricity

10:00 - 10:45  Breakout Session

Moving the Dial on DE&I — Discussing Ideas to Address Social Mobility & Equality

Charlotte Eaton headshot

Charlotte Eaton

Chief People Officer


Athalie Williams headshot

Athalie Williams


BT Group

DE&I remains at the forefront of priorities for HR leaders across organisations. Despite a concerted emphasis on DE&I initiatives, systemic issues related to equality and social mobility within the workplace are still at play. It is crucial that organisations begin to tackle this issue with a new perspective, interrogating the true impact of existing DE&I initiatives, and considering what else can be done.

In this interactive session, CHROs will come together to discuss lessons learnt and strategies to apply in the months to come. You will brainstorm:

  • How to measure the impact of existing DE&I initiatives within your organisation
  • How HR leaders can articulate a DE&I initiative from concept, to challenge, to result
  • Which DE&I initiatives worked well, understanding why others did not and lessons learned

10:00 - 10:45  Executive Boardroom

Highly Skilled, Hard to Reach — Attracting Scarce and Senior Talent

Peter Howarth headshot

Peter Howarth

Co-Managing Director

Armstrong Craven

Andrew Stephenson headshot

Andrew Stephenson

Chief People Officer


Tina Lewis headshot

Tina Lewis

Director of People

National Trust

The search for elite talent has become harder than ever, particularly when it comes to key leadership positions and roles requiring specialised skills. CHROs are turning to unconventional sources to find new talent pools and fill the critical skills shortages they are faced with.

Join this discussion as CHROs address how to: 

  • Understand trends in the labour market and identify emerging skillsets needed for leadership and technical roles
  • Access talent pools across new geographies, markets and skillsets through untraditional methods
  • Move from a reactive to a proactive sourcing strategy by developing a strong talent pipeline

10:00 - 10:45  Executive Boardroom

Closing the Gap Between EVP and Employee Experience to Improve Workforce Performance

Cathy Acratopulo headshot

Cathy Acratopulo

Managing Director & Co Founder

LACE Partners

Tom Hamer headshot

Tom Hamer

Head of Global HR


Monika Khullar headshot

Monika Khullar

VP HR Sectors & Decarbonisation


A highly competitive talent pool coupled with a societal shift in workforce expectations means HR leaders must reconsider their employee value proposition (EVP) to attract and retain talent. CHROs need to ensure the employee experience (the reality) delivers on the EVP (the promise) to increase engagement and productivity. To what extent are organisations actively reviewing, designing and managing both the EVP and employee experience to drive business performance?

Join this boardroom to discuss how to:

  • Develop and deploy a compelling EVP for both existing employees and candidates
  • Design and deliver differentiating employee experiences
  • Achieve strong ownership of EVP and EX

10:55 - 11:15  Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Peer-to-Peer Meeting 1

11:20 - 11:40  Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Peer-to-Peer Meeting 2

14:00 - 14:15  Break

14:15 - 15:00  Breakout Session

Unlock Performance: How a Coaching Culture Drives Organisational Transformation

Guillermo Miranda headshot

Guillermo Miranda

Digital Adoption & Transformation Leader


Angela Lindberg, PhD, SHRM-SCP headshot

Angela Lindberg, PhD, SHRM-SCP

Global Strategic Partnerships


According to Harvard Business Review, 80% of organisational transformation efforts fail. Even after investing in upgraded technology and modernised workspaces, many companies still struggle to achieve meaningful results. The problem? Real transformation starts with people.

A strong coaching culture builds the mindsets and behaviours that are key to upskilling your workforce and achieving impactful business results. BetterUp Labs data shows organisations with a strong coaching culture rate +24% in performance and reach 20% more goals. Between 2020–2022, these companies enjoyed a 59% higher net-profit margin and 37% more YoY revenue growth.

Join us for an insightful discussion with BetterUp and a customer, to uncover how to build and scale a high-impact coaching culture that fuels individual, team, and organisational performance outcomes.

You will learn how to:

  • Craft and scale a coaching culture that builds critical skills and mindsets
  • Quantify the ROI of your coaching initiatives
  • Achieve goal alignment and drive measurable impact

14:15 - 15:00  Executive Boardroom

Getting the Balance Right – Flexibility, Engagement and Belonging

Bianca West headshot

Bianca West

Head of Customer Success, EMEA


Jo Atkinson headshot

Jo Atkinson

HRD, Europe & India


Simon Smith headshot

Simon Smith

Chief People Officer

Aston Martin

In Achievers Workforce Institute's 2023 Engagement and Retention Report, flexibility was ranked the #1 reason to job hunt by employees. Higher engagement was reported by those that could choose their own working styles. But how can CHROs create a culture of belonging in a dispersed workforce that prioritises both connectedness and drives productivity, results and growth?

Join this boardroom to discuss how to:

  • Empower employees to co-create their work environment
  • Balance flexibility with creating an engaging work environment
  • Increase belonging through recognition and listening to boost engagement and retention

14:15 - 15:00  Executive Boardroom

Being Intentional About Onboarding to Enhance Retention and Engagement

Belén Fernández headshot

Belén Fernández

VP, Executive Partner, CHRO Practice EMEA, GBS


Rob Bray headshot

Rob Bray

People Director


Sally Whitlock headshot

Sally Whitlock

HR Director, EMEA

Michael Kors

A strong relationship between a new hire and their employer is imperative. Assessing the gaps in your onboarding experience will differentiate you from your competitors. Get ahead of employee attrition by implementing a clear engagement strategy from the moment they onboard.

Join this session to discuss:

  • How to ensure new hires feel connected during onboarding and beyond
  • How to enhance your onboarding strategy through gamification to inspire new talent
  • How to assess and adjust your existing retention solutions depending on the skills you require

15:00 - 15:30  Networking Break

15:30 - 16:15  Breakout Session

How CHROs Communicate the Impact of ESG to Drive Business Value

Rob Willis headshot

Rob Willis



Angela Williams headshot

Angela Williams

Chief People Officer


Investors and employees alike are calling for clear Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) policies. CHROs play a key role in communicating corporate social responsibility and ESG metrics to the wider business. How can HR leaders ensure ESG policies create both business and societal impact? How can CHROs balance shareholder and employee expectations?

In this conversation Rob Willis (Perrigo) and Angela Williams (Corsearch) share views on how HR and ESG intertwine. Join this interactive session to learn more on:

  • How to engage with ESG as a HR leader and understand who is responsible for different pillars within E, S and G
  • How to translate shareholder expectation into action and demonstrate HR’s role in delivering sustained change across an organisation
  • How to educate employees on sustainable choices they can make to move towards ESG goals 

15:30 - 16:15  Executive Boardroom

Effectively Communicate DE&I Initiatives to Create Lasting Impact

Denise Sefton headshot

Denise Sefton

Chief People Officer


Kirstin Furber headshot

Kirstin Furber

People Director

Channel 4

Naomi Monteiro headshot

Naomi Monteiro

VP HR Global


Many organisations continue to focus on DE&I but efforts to affect real change are hitting a wall. CHROs must unpack and question DE&I initiatives to identify the ‘why’ behind the strategy. What do you want to communicate to your workforce? How? Going back to basics on equity and inclusivity will allow organisations to understand and prioritise the next step.

In this boardroom, come prepared to discuss how to:

  • Define and communicate DE&I purpose in tandem with senior leadership
  • Equip people managers to have increasingly complex conversations on DE&I
  • Prioritise diversity and equity as key drivers for company growth

15:30 - 16:15  Executive Boardroom

Understanding How Automation Impacts the Future Workforce

Mark Skinner headshot

Mark Skinner

Chief People Officer

888 Holdings Plc

Deborah McKenzie headshot

Deborah McKenzie

Chief People Officer

NHS Blood and Transplant

The world of work as we know it is shifting as automation and artificial intelligence become more widely available and scalable. As organisations are pushed into change by technological innovations, how can CHROs maximise the opportunities for automation?

Join this session to discuss:

  • Identifying opportunities and forming a technology adoption strategy for the HR function
  • Communicating the business decision to adopt HR technologies
  • Understanding how automated technology adoption will impact the workforce

16:15 - 16:20  Break

16:20 - 17:00  Keynote

The BrewDog Story - From UnderDog to TopDog

Karen Bates headshot

Karen Bates

Global People Director


Workplace culture impacts each and every part of a business. This keynote will address BrewDog's journey from a declining reputation to being named a Sunday Times Best Place Work in 2023. 

Karen Bates will tell the story of how BrewDog:

  • Turned the narrative around after an open letter from current and former crew
  • The impact on the business and crew
  • Key takeaways for HRDs' to help overcome similar challenges in their own organisation

17:00 - 18:00  Closing Reception & Prize Drawing

20 June 2023

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming in-person gathering

Evanta cares about the health and safety of our community. Please review the following recommendations prior to attending the gathering.


Venue & Accommodation

Royal Lancaster London

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Royal Lancaster London at a reduced conference rate. Reservations should be made online or by calling +44 020 7551 6000. Please mention UK CHRO Executive Summit to ensure the appropriate room rate.

Deadline to book using the discounted room rate of £384 GBP (plus tax) is 31 May 2023.

Your Community Partners

Program Partners

Community Programme Manager

For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.

Izabella Narbutt

Community Manager

+44 7938 730378