Nordic CISO Executive Summit
4 April 2019 | Sheraton, Stockholm
4 April 2019
Sheraton, Stockholm
Collaborate with your peers
Get together with your peers to tackle top business challenges through peer-driven content and discussions at the Nordic CISO Executive Summit.
Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CISOs today:
Investing in your people and the right technologies
Innovating with advanced technologies and new delivery models
Influencing business stakeholders and enterprise outcomes
Nordic CISO Governing Body
The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CISOs, for CISOs.
Governing Body Co-Chairs
Pär Gunnarsson

Ann Hellenius
Scandic Hotels

Mats Hultin

Thomas Keisu
CISO / VP Cybersecurity & Infrastructure

Åshild Hanne Larsen
Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Senior Vice President
Alf Otterstad
Group Executive Vice President IT (CIO)
Antero Päivänsalo
Nokia Corporation
3 April 2019
4 April 2019
08:00 - 08:45 Registration & Breakfast
08:45 - 09:45 Keynote
Security Is Not Selling Fear — It’s Protecting Hope
Troels Oerting Jorgensen
Head of the Centre for Cybersecurity
World Economic Forum
As the need for security leadership in the digital space increases, CIOs and CISOs alike find themselves asking the question, “What does the future of the CIO and CISO role look like in a technology-driven and evolving threat landscape?” Troels Oerting Jorgensen believes it is vital for executives to take a more active role when it comes to the global state of cybersecurity and ask what their businesses can do to help on a worldwide scale.
In this provocative keynote, Oerting Jorgensen will share:
- Global insights into cyber security, threats and risk
- How to be a leader in fighting cyber crime
- The role emerging technologies like AI and quantum computing will realistically play
09:45 - 09:55 Networking Break
09:55 - 10:40 Breakout Session
Foster Collaboration. Achieve Results. Drive Profit.
Alf Otterstad
Group Executive Vice President IT (CIO)
Executives can no longer afford to work in silos in today's complex and dynamic digital environment. DNB's CEO identified the lack of collaboration between IT and other business units. The CIO took on this challenge and ignited the bank's journey to become a cross-functional and agile organisation from the C-suite down.
This session will explore:
- Building a culture around communication
- Setting clear expectations and leading by example
- Operating as an integrated decision-making unit to succeed as a digital business
09:55 - 10:40 Breakout Session
Artificial Intelligence – From Concept to Reality
Hosted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Anna Granö
Managing Director, Sweden
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Malin Bäcklund
Group CIO
Peter Muld
Chief Digital Officer
ICA Gruppen
The infinite amount of data, better algorithms and models, and availability of cost-effective computation power means that AI is no longer a concept but a reality. Yet an HPE study found that less than 11% of companies have integrated AI into their business.
Join this session to learn:
- How to integrate AI initiatives naturally
- From real-life use cases in multiple industries
- How peers are exploring, experimenting and optimizing their AI solutions
09:55 - 10:40 Executive Boardroom
Translate Complex Cybersecurity Issues into Simple Business Context
Hosted by BitSight Technologies
Thomas Norlin
Regional Sales Manager - Nordics
Pär Gunnarsson
Erik Blomberg
Head of Information- & IT-security (CISO)
It is much easier now to determine what’s important, dangerous and real in your third party ecosystem. Yet, as hacks continue to threaten data and business continuity, the old school of thought around securing the enterprise is no longer relevant.
This boardroom will explore:
- Layering traditional tools and new strategies to define goals and deploy resources
- Communicate to the board through a holistic risk lens
- Developing clear business cases connecting business profitability to risk reduction
Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Program Manager.
09:55 - 10:40 Executive Boardroom
Securing Your Cloud Migration and Implementation
Hosted by Onapsis, Inc.

Jan Hubicka
Senior Security Expert
Christoffer Åkesson
As organisations increasingly turn to cloud-based services to enable the next phase of digital transformation, security leaders face the challenge of ensuring the enterprise’s data remains secure. Join this session to learn the emerging best practices your peers employ to secure ERP systems in the move to the cloud, including:
- How to incorporate security at the start of the migration to ensure success
- Nuances for hybrid on- and off-premise systems
- Automation solutions for continuous visibility throughout the migration
Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Program Manager.
10:40 - 10:55 Networking Break
3 April 2019
4 April 2019
Community Programme Managers
For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contacts.