New Jersey CISO Executive Summit
November 18, 2021 | Hanover Marriott
November 18, 2021
Hanover Marriott
Collaborate with your peers
Get together with New Jersey's top CISOs to tackle shared business challenges and critical priorities facing your role today. Participate in this one-day, local program with peer-driven topics and interactive discussions with your true C-level peers.
Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CISOs today:
Seizing momentum – influencing and leading the enterprise
Thriving through uncertainty - empowering people and delivering value
Advancing and scaling strategic, outcome-based technologies
New Jersey CISO Governing Body
The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CISOs, for CISOs.
Governing Body Co-Chairs

Roota Almeida
Delta Dental of New Jersey

Lookman Fazal
NJ Transit
Chief Information & Digital Officer

Zouhair Guelzim

Warren Kudman
Turner Construction
SVP & Chief Information Officer

Hussein Syed
RWJBarnabas Health
Chief Information Security Officer

Gabrielle Wolfson
Quest Diagnostics Inc
Senior VP & Chief Information & Chief Digital Officer
What to Expect
November 17, 2021
November 18, 2021
7:30am - 8:15am Registration & Breakfast
8:15am - 9:00am Keynote
Digital Business — Growing Demand, Endless Opportunity
Hosted by Abnormal Security

Arun Kumar Bhaskara-Baba
Global Vice President, Manufacturing Information Technology
Johnson & Johnson
Whether “business as usual” is a place we return to – or a constantly moving target – we are all living in a digital world and there’s no going back. As the pace accelerates, opportunity is rich, and the organization’s future rides on how CIO business leaders exploit an expanding array of digital tools. Join this peer-led conversation on seizing digital momentum to work in new ways and reach savvy consumers on new platforms.
Join this keynote with Arun Kumar Bhaskara-Baba from Johnson & Johnson to discuss:
- Transforming your workforce to think, operate and deliver as a digital-first enterprise
- Optimizing digital capabilities and digital channels to create business-wide value
- Strategizing to expand digital business and maturity for long-term success
9:00am - 9:15am Break
9:15am - 10:00am Breakout Session
Activating a Cybersecurity Force for a New Era
Hosted by Fortinet, Inc.

Bob Turner
Field CISO
With an increase in threat vectors comes the increased need for a sound cybersecurity program. CIOs must take a proactive approach in ensuring cybersecurity risk is considered at every step, even in times of rapid disruption.
Join this session for a discussion on:
- Managing third parties and holding them to cybersecurity standards
- Quantifying, measuring, and communicating risk across the organization
- Upskilling your cybersecurity teams to stay ahead of emerging threats
9:15am - 10:00am Breakout Session
Cancer Research Advancement with Genomic Sequencing and AI

Tsvi Gal
Head of Enterprise Technology Services (Infrastructure)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Advances in AI & ML have rapidly increased interest in medical AI applications and clinical genomic sequencing. Tsvi Gal, Head of Enterprise Technology Services from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is personalizing treatments and their approach to curing cancer.
Join this session to discuss:
- Understanding the benefits of AI and genome sequencing
- How to understand the data to prevent the spread of cancer
- Exploring the uses of genomics machine learning
9:15am - 10:00am Executive Boardroom
Next—Gen Third Party Risk

Zouhair Guelzim

Kevin Kilgore
Business Unit Information Security Officer
In this era of digital transformation, organizations rely heavily on their third parties, however, third-party relationships come with risks. To help mitigate those risks CISOs much work closely with their partners to ensure security.
Join this session to discuss:
- Strategies to establish a process for continuous assessment and monitoring of third parties
- How to create an accurate inventory of all vendors within your ecosystem
- What to do when your third party gets breached
Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Program Manager, Kenzie Howard. (kenzie.howard@evanta.com)
10:00am - 10:30am Networking Break
10:30am - 11:15am Breakout Session
The Business Value of a SASE, Zero-Trust Journey
Hosted by Netskope

Nathan Smolenski
CISO, Head of Cyber Intelligence Strategy
With people working remotely and most user traffic destined for SaaS and cloud, network security requires transformation. It’s no longer efficient or cost-effective to route traffic through the corporate network to apply security controls. Adopting a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Architecture while focusing on Zero-Trust principles ensures that your employees can be productive and secure working from anywhere.
In this session, we will discuss:
- The economics and business case for a SASE journey
- Best practices for implementing Zero Trust within a SASE architecture
- The importance of granular Cloud and SaaS visibility in a SASE architecture
10:30am - 11:15am Breakout Session
Actionable Intelligence — Keeping Pace with Relentless Threats

Brian Herron
Supervisory Special Agent, Cyber Investigations
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Anthony Zissimos
Cybersecurity Advisor
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Whether it’s cybercriminals motivated by profit or nation-state attackers with geopolitical motives, public and private organizations of all sizes have felt the impact of cyberattacks. Enterprise organizations are reeling from the onslaught of massively spread ransomware attacks to surgical pinpointed attacks on their assets from sophisticated state-sponsored actors. How can security leaders best face changing threat vectors?
Join Brian Herron, Supervisory Special Agent, Cyber Investigations, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Anthony Zissimos, Cybersecurity Advisor, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to discuss:
- Understanding the adversary’s goals and objectives
- How to build a more secure and resilient infrastructure through preparedness, incident response, and mitigation
- What security executives can do to build resiliency
11:15am - 11:25am Break
November 17, 2021
November 18, 2021
Venue & Accommodation
Hanover MarriottA block of rooms has been reserved at the Hanover Marriott at a reduced conference rate. Reservations should be made online or by calling 973-538-8811.
Deadline to book using the discounted room rate of $249 USD (plus tax) is October 27, 2021.
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