Boston CISO Executive Summit

December 6, 2023 | The Westin Boston Seaport District

December 6, 2023
The Westin Boston Seaport District

Collaborate with your peers

Get together with Boston's top CISOs to tackle shared business challenges and critical priorities facing your role today. Participate in this one-day, local program with peer-driven topics and interactive discussions with your true C-level peers.

Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CISOs today:

The AI Paradox — Balancing the Benefits and Dangers of Innovation

Empowering Resilience — Tools for Combating Stress and Burnout

Data Governance — Landmines, Pitfalls and Solutions

Boston CISO Governing Body

The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CISOs, for CISOs.

Governing Body Co-Chairs

Kevin Brown


Javed Ikbal

Bright Horizons

Tony Parrillo

Schneider Electric
VP, Enterprise IT Global Head of Security

Bobby Rao

Fresenius Medical Care
Global CISO

Holly Ridgeway

Citizens Financial Group
Chief Security Officer

Ravi Thatavarthy

Rite Aid
Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer

Michael Woodson

Director of Information Security and Privacy

What to Expect

Interactive Sessions

Hear from CISO practitioners and thought leaders on how they're solving critical challenges impacting your role today in Keynote sessions, and join smaller, interactive discussions with your peers in Breakout and Boardroom sessions.

Community Networking

Make new connections and catch up with old friends in casual conversations during dedicated time for networking designed to better acquaint you with your Boston CISO community.

Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Connect with like-minded peers in a private, one-on-one setting through Peer-to-Peer Meetings. You will be matched with peers in your community based on your shared interests and priorities.


December 6, 2023

7:45am - 8:30am  Registration & Breakfast

8:30am - 9:15am  Keynote

Stress Management Strategies for Effective Leadership

Oluyinka Ajirotutu headshot

Oluyinka Ajirotutu

Stress Management & Lifestyle Change Expert

Guest Speaker

According to the American Psychological Association, there are an unprecedented number of employees struggling with stress and mental health concerns that negatively impact their work and home life. The skill of stress management is more important than ever for leaders to motivate and support their teams effectively while sustaining personal wellbeing.  

Join this interactive keynote to:  

  • Understand the critical role leaders play regarding stress management that can improve employee morale, retention and productivity
  • Learn key strategies to reduce stress, overcome burnout and develop resilience in the face of challenges
  • Develop a comprehensive stress management plan that will result in long-term wellbeing and enhanced quality of life

9:15am - 9:40am  Networking Break

9:40am - 10:25am  Breakout Session

Elevating Security Through Risk and Compliance

Neil Carpenter headshot

Neil Carpenter

Principal Technical Evangelist

Orca Security

The cloud security landscape never stops evolving. Trying to keep pace will only get you so far. You'll need to stay ahead by highlighting risk, compliance, and collaboration strategies.

Join your C-level peers in an interactive discussion and begin:

  • Navigating the challenge of prioritization between risk mitigation and compliance
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of security tools in complex cloud environments
  • Discovering ways to unify security and development teams

9:40am - 10:25am  Breakout Session

The Evolving CISO Role – Helping the Security Community & Customers Through Crisis

Patrick Ford headshot

Patrick Ford

Chief Information Security Officer, Americas

Schneider Electric North America

Tony Parrillo headshot

Tony Parrillo

VP, Enterprise IT Global Head of Security

Schneider Electric

Eric Hussey headshot

Eric Hussey



When cyber attacks happen to one company or customer it’s not just their problem to solve, the crisis also falls on the shoulders of the whole security community. With the number of attacks on cyber networks growing, it is more important than ever for businesses and customers to work together in predicting, preventing, detecting, and responding to incidents.

Join this session to learn how to:

  • Collaborate better in times of crisis
  • Unearth roadblocks, legal, contractual & privacy
  • Understand insider threats — awareness and prevention

9:40am - 10:25am  Executive Boardroom

A New Vision for Identity Security

David Adamczyk headshot

David Adamczyk

VP, North America


Dean Lebron headshot

Dean Lebron

Vice President, Information Technology


Michael Woodson headshot

Michael Woodson

Director of Information Security and Privacy


Robert Sherman headshot

Robert Sherman

Chief Information Security Officer & Vice President, Information Technology

American Tower Corp

The number of human and machine identities seeking access to data and critical business systems has grown exponentially, in turn increasing the threat landscape and challenging traditional IAM paradigms. How do security leaders keep a pulse on tools and capabilities to assess their organization’s cybersecurity posture?

 Join this boardroom to discuss:

  • Managing and securing all identities
  • Mitigating risks in multi-cloud and hybrid environments
  • Balancing high expectations and avoiding burnout

9:40am - 10:25am  Executive Boardroom

Elevate Security and User Experience with Regulated Identity

Tom Malta headshot

Tom Malta

Senior Principal, Industries


Matthew Wicker headshot

Matthew Wicker

Global Director of Cybersecurity

Regal Rexnord

Robert Sullivan headshot

Robert Sullivan

CISO, VP Technology Shared Services


Every digital experience starts with customer identity, whether you’re in the public sector, or selling pizza. Digital teams are trying to create the best user experience and conversions while getting the most data from their consumers and end users. Regulated identity makes it possible to improve the overall experience all while keeping the company and its customers secure.

Join this session to learn how to:

  • Elevate user experience and protect sensitive customer transactions from fraud
  • Make a business case for investing in the next generation of tools that have a demonstrated ROI
  • Identify solutions that provide protection, detection, and response for identity-based threats.

10:25am - 11:00am  Networking Break

10:30am - 10:55am  Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Connect with like-minded peers in a one-on-one setting through Evanta’s Peer-to-Peer Meetings. You will be matched with peers in your community based on your shared interests and priorities.

11:00am - 11:45am  Breakout Session

Assessing Risk— Getting Back to the Basics

Joe Burgoyne headshot

Joe Burgoyne

Sr. Director, Cyber Security

GE Healthcare

Robyn Ready headshot

Robyn Ready

Chief Information Security Officer

Ascena Retail Group

Gernette Wright headshot

Gernette Wright

IT Security Officer

Schneider Electric

Brian McGowan headshot

Brian McGowan



Jeremiah Salamon headshot

Jeremiah Salamon

Information Security Officer

Choate Law Firm

The myth that companies can buy themselves out of risk is false. It doesn’t matter how much money you throw at a risk program, there is never a 100% guarantee that your company is safe from a breach. Keeping security risk to a minimum is the goal, but how do you contain risk when the playing field is constantly changing? Maybe CISOs need to look at risk management through a new/old lens.

Join this session to learn:

  • Why a solid framework and effective prioritization is critical
  • What is your risk tolerance and how to calibrate investments around it
  • How to use risk to further discussions on future business alignment and investment

11:00am - 11:45am  Breakout Session

Rising Together — Empowered CISOs, Empowering Women

Julie Fitton headshot

Julie Fitton


Analog Devices

Sara Hall headshot

Sara Hall


Teladoc Inc

Eric Galis headshot

Eric Galis



Companies with greater gender inclusivity are more profitable, more socially responsible, and provide more well-rounded perspectives. So why is it that there are so few women in the C-Suite?  Today, CISOs have a great opportunity to change the narrative by becoming a sponsor and advocate for the advancement of women. Come prepared to share ideas and forge new connections that can help empower each other to make an impact in your organizations and communities.

Join this session to learn:

  • Why having women in the C-Suite is so impactful?
  • What is the difference between mentor and sponsor
  • How CISOs play a critical role in advocating for women leaders

11:00am - 11:45am  Executive Boardroom

Generative AI – The Key to Fast-Tracking Third-Party Risk Decisions

Caitlin Gruenberg headshot

Caitlin Gruenberg

Director, Risk Solutions Engineer


Paul Deluca headshot

Paul Deluca



Kellen Gosselin headshot

Kellen Gosselin

VP & Sr. Director, Cybersecurity

Liberty Mutual

Time is critical in third-party risk decisions and security teams face a balancing act in conducting proper vendor due diligence without being perceived as the impediment to the speed of business. Data is critical to these risk conversations and the time has come to combine generative AI and third-party risk to enhance insights from third-party risk assessments and intelligence to accelerate vendor decisions.

Join this session to discuss the potential of generative AI to:

  • Revolutionize the speed at which teams extract insights
  • Improve efficiency, decision-making and reducing resources required for assessments and discuss a real-world use case
  • Address challenges in the third-party risk lifecycle

11:00am - 11:45am  Executive Boardroom

Break the Attack Chain — The Importance of Integrated Threat Protection

Aruna Sreeram headshot

Aruna Sreeram

Senior Director, Product Management Information Protection


Robert Guay headshot

Robert Guay

Director of Emerging Security Technologies

Johnson & Johnson

Lorna Koppel headshot

Lorna Koppel

Director of Information Security/CISO

Tufts University

Organizations worldwide are being faced with multistage attacks such as BEC, ransomware, and supply chain, that happen with the same basic steps in the same sequence. It’s been a decade since defenders began referring to this as the attack chain, but the attacks continue to successful with the same tactics, from phishing to Active Directory abuse to data exfiltration. So how do we finally turn the tables on adversaries, and take away what they depend across the attack chain?

Join this interactive round table as CISOs discuss:

  • Understanding the evolving nature of initial compromises
  • The art and science of preventing small compromises from becoming big incidents
  • Reducing your team's workload by using the attack chain to prioritize controls

11:45am - 12:30pm  Lunch Service

12:30pm - 1:05pm  Keynote

Making Security a Core Company Value – And a Shared Responsibility

Sam Curry headshot

Sam Curry



Sonia Arista headshot

Sonia Arista

SVP, Chief Information Security Officer

Signify Health

In an age where cyber risk is business risk, CISOs are ultimately responsible for instilling a security mindset in every employee within an organization. Rather than a siloed concern, managing this risk must risk to the highest levels of leadership. As we know, cyberattacks can be as devastating as lawsuits, legislative non-compliance, and fraud. This session offers board members, executives, and technology leaders ideas for cultivating a strong security mindset throughout their organization.

Join this session to learn:

  • How to take a phased approach through transformation maturity
  • How to foster inclusive conversations on cybersecurity by framing issues in terms of business risk
  • How to drive the mindset and cultural changes essential to overcome inertia and accelerate transformation

1:05pm - 1:30pm  Break

1:30pm - 2:15pm  Breakout Session

Buzzers Over Buzzwords — The Game Show

Lorna Koppel headshot

Lorna Koppel

Director of Information Security/CISO

Tufts University

Michael Woodson headshot

Michael Woodson

Director of Information Security and Privacy


What's the Boston CISO community's top priority? What do your C-Level peers consider the largest hurdle in when it comes to accomplishing their goals? In this fun, highly-interactive, game-show-style session, we'll put your knowledge to the test. 

Come on down to:

  • Compete in a data-driven, community-specific quiz game
  • Learn more about the struggles and opportunities reported by members of your governing body
  • Share and expand on these reported goals and challenges

1:30pm - 2:15pm  Executive Boardroom

Beyond Training — Harnessing Data and Science to Reduce Human Cyber Risk

Oz Alashe headshot

Oz Alashe

CEO & Founder


Daniel Gortze headshot

Daniel Gortze

Chief Information Security Officer


Dan Inbar headshot

Dan Inbar



Eric Galis headshot

Eric Galis



Many organizations are moving too slowly towards addressing the human risk elements of security. At the heart of it, a misunderstanding of the human factor, with many believing the only contributors are knowledge, understanding and security behaviors. Research now suggests there are many more risk factors to investigate.

Join this boardroom to discuss and learn how to:

  • Understand key human risk factors in cybersecurity
  • Identify, influence and measure specific security behaviors to drive program effectiveness
  • Improve the efficiency of security awareness programs at all workforce levels through automation

1:30pm - 2:15pm  Executive Boardroom

Data IS Your Business – How Do You Secure it in the Cloud-Era

Astrid Lambert headshot

Astrid Lambert

Sr. Director Data & Development

Cambridge Health Alliance

Jason Pope headshot

Jason Pope

VP, Sales Engineering Americas


In these times of rapid technological advancement, data stands as the cornerstone of innovation. As we navigate through the information age, it's evident that data residing in the cloud represents the fastest area of growth. To maintain pace with the agility of cloud operations, it is imperative to discover and adopt strategic approaches and robust architectures.

Gather with your C-level peers to:

  • Start solving the challenge of data visibility in the cloud
  • Determine who in your organization should own data security (CISO? CDO? CPO?)
  • Discuss how automation and agility can be accomplished through tooling or processes

2:15pm - 2:50pm  Networking Break

2:20pm - 2:45pm  Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Peer-to-Peer Meetings

Connect with like-minded peers in a one-on-one setting through Evanta’s Peer-to-Peer Meetings. You will be matched with peers in your community based on your shared interests and priorities.

2:50pm - 3:35pm  Breakout Session

CISOs on Generative AI – From Vulnerability to Victory

Bobby Rao headshot

Bobby Rao

Global CISO

Fresenius Medical Care

Mike Towers headshot

Mike Towers

Digital Trust Group

Robin Healey headshot

Robin Healey

CIO, Executive Office for Administration & Finance

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The early signs of how generative AI will shape the future of technology and business has arrived, and there is no sector unaffected. CISOs and their teams are being tasked with securing utilization and consumption. On the dark side, generative AI opens the business up to risk just as much as innovation. CISOs across Boston industries are coming together to share their future thoughts and plans on this exciting and elusive technology.

Join this session to hear:

  • Opportunities and risks associated with the adoption and integration of AI
  • Tools to developing a comprehensive generative AI risk management strategy
  • Unpack strategies to maintain a strong security posture through the evolution of generative A

2:50pm - 3:35pm  Executive Boardroom

Accelerating Digital Transformation – Cloud Culture & Talent Transformation

Bill Lisse headshot

Bill Lisse

Senior Enterprise Security Architect


Lee Cullivan headshot

Lee Cullivan

Chief Information Security Officer

Boston Medical Center

CISOs across the globe are responsible for driving their organization’s digital transformation. Yet, no matter their geographical location or industry, all of them face common obstacles; limited talent pool, establishing organizational cloud fluency, and identifying practices including using AI that are hindering maturity on their cloud journey.

Join this boardroom to:

  • Improve business performance by enabling digital transformation and upskilling people
  • Outline key measures of success for assessing cloud maturity, Gen AI and ROI of cloud providers
  • Identify best practices for talent transformation and scaling organizational cloud fluency

2:50pm - 3:35pm  Executive Boardroom

Navigating Cybersecurity Threats Beyond the Surface

Kevin Kirkwood headshot

Kevin Kirkwood

Deputy CISO


Alex Burinskiy headshot

Alex Burinskiy



Jay Carter headshot

Jay Carter



Daniel Gortze headshot

Daniel Gortze

Chief Information Security Officer


The most menacing cybersecurity threats often lurk unseen, necessitating a profound understanding of proactive testing and threat detection strategies. CISOs can empower their teams and organizations with knowledge needed to fortify their defenses against both visible and concealed cyber threats.

Join this discussion to:

  • Delve into the invisible vulnerabilities lurking in digital ecosystems
  • Learn how collaborative testing approaches can bolster your cybersecurity posture
  • Explore methodologies behind pen testing, vulnerability assessments, and refining detection rules for robust threat identification

3:35pm - 4:00pm  Break

4:05pm - 4:35pm  Keynote

Weaponize Risk Appetite to Drive Risk Decisions

Paul E. Proctor headshot

Paul E. Proctor

Distinguished VP Analyst


Risk appetite fails when it is expressed in fuzzy, imprecise terms. Repositioning risk appetite in the context of investment and value delivery creates a measurable scale of risk that powers a new type of governance.

Join this Keynote to learn:

  • How concrete assertions of risk appetite can make executive decisions binding
  • How can risk appetite drive risk decisions
  • What scale can be used to measure risk appetite

4:35pm - 5:00pm  Closing Reception & Prize Drawing

5:00pm - 7:30pm  Private Reception

Governing Body Reception

Governing Body members host this reception for attendees to celebrate the event with an evening of peer networking.

December 6, 2023

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming in-person gathering

Evanta cares about the health and safety of our community. Please review the following recommendations prior to attending the gathering.


Venue & Accommodation

The Westin Boston Seaport District

Your Community Partners

Global Thought Leader
Key Partners
Program Partners

Community Program Manager

For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.

Spencer Bisgaard

Senior Community Program Manager
