Ricardo Lafosse
Chief Information Security Officer
The Kraft Heinz Company

Ricardo Lafosse is chief information security officer for Kraft Heinz. Lafosse is responsible for IT risk governance, OT security, incident management, technical disaster recovery, and determining enterprise-wide security policies and procedures. Lafosse regularly presents on security topics at global conferences, including Blackhat, Defcon, RSA, ISACA and Secure World. He is an avid gamer and anime nerd.
Learn more about the Chicago CISO community here.
Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.
I attribute my entire career to video games, tinkering, and the pursuit of curiosity. Once I landed a full time security position, I truly understood if I wanted to make systemic change in an organization, I would require a level of influence. This led to an ambitious goal of becoming CISO at the age of 30!
What is one of your guiding leadership principles?
Safe spaces are critical for a team to instill trust and respect for one another… people are the heart of the program not technology.
With disruption being a key theme of recent years, where do you see the CISO role going in the next 1-2 years?
Further visibility and engagement with the business.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out as a CISO?
Get ready for a lot of spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations… and don't be a jerk.
Tell us three fun facts about yourself.
- I lived homeless in Tokyo.
- I was a prior dance dance revolution champion in South Florida.
- I enlisted in a foreign military and went awol.
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