Jigar Kadakia
Emory Healthcare

Jigar Kadakia is the CISO at Emory Healthcare and has been a CISO for 10 years. His first job was a CISO and he has remained in that role ever since. Jigar has always lived in Cincinnati but never worked there.
Learn more about the Ohio CISO community here.
Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.
I was a consultant at a Big4 and took on interim CISO positions which led me to my first CISO role.
What is one of your guiding leadership principles?
My guiding leadership principles are to be inclusive, open and a mentor.
What is the greatest challenge CISOs face today?
The greatest challenge CISOs are facing today is how to prove security is a business enabler.
What is the key to success for someone just starting out as a CISO?
The key to success is to listen, observe and not make change quickly as a technologist.
How do you measure success as a leader?
I measure success by asking myself the question: “Are you creating the next cyber professional?”
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