Barry Beckett
Navitus Health Solutions

Barry Beckett is the Chief Information Security Officer at Navitus, a leading pharmacy benefit management company. He is passionate and forward thinking about cybersecurity and its role in enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery.
A fun fact about Barry, his first job was cleaning garbage on Main Street at Disneyland.
Learn more about the Houston CISO community here.
Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.
My experiences have led me to a role that allows me to work with motivated individuals focused to achieve success in helping people live better lives.
What is one of your guiding leadership principles?
Empower others to achieve success.
What is the greatest challenge CISOs face today, and how are you addressing it?
Attacks continue to increase in sophistication. Cybersecurity professionals must continue to apply new, innovative defenses and processes that stop attacks while enabling organizations to achieve their mission.
What is the key to success for someone just starting out as a CISO?
Keep learning.
How do you measure success as a leader?
"I believe there is no more powerful leadership tool than your own personal example." - John Wooden
What is the value of being a member of the Evanta community?
Learning and exchanging ideas with leaders in cybersecurity is one of the greatest values of joining the Evanta community.
Evanta Governing Body members share their insights and leadership perspectives to shape the agendas and topics that address the top priorities impacting business leaders today.
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