Alex Foord

Alex Foord is the CIO at IESO and enjoys home and cottage renovation and improvement projects, family, fitness (when Alex’s body allows), music, photography and technology.
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Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.
I've been in the information technology sector since 1986 after graduating with a computer science degree. I've held successively more senior roles with organizations such as CP Rail, Airmiles, Loblaws and Brookfield.
My current role with the IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator of Ontario) stood out as an exciting journey using my technology background to give something back to Ontarians with reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity.
What is one of your guiding leadership principles?
My guiding leadership principles are to empower your team to succeed, move obstacles out of the way, and seek consensus where possible, yet accept your ultimate accountability and insert your influence accordingly.
What is the greatest challenge CIOs face today, and how are you addressing it?
The electricity sector is undergoing massive transformation. Information technology is a key component which will empower society to move to decarbonization and electrification.
Strong leadership and collaboration will be necessary to enable these changes. My key challenge is ensuring that the strategic goals of my organization are fully supported and empowered by the technology team.
What is the key to success for someone just starting out as a CIO?
The key to success is to be humble, thoughtful, collaborative and aligned to the strategic aspirations of the organization.
How do you measure success as a leader?
I measure success by establishing a culture of collaboration and accountability with your team such that they are better equipped to deliver on corporate strategic objectives.
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