Livia Kessler
Head of Analytics Delivery
Bon Secours Mercy Health

Livia Kessler is the Head of Analytics Delivery at Bon Secours Mercy Health. She has been in healthcare for over 18 years and within the data and analytics space for the past 10 years.
She is a native Texan who recently moved back from the East Coast with her husband to welcome their first child. She loves learning from others in the field, regardless of their industry, as she finds we all have a lot of pain points in common.
Learn more about the Dallas CDAO community here.
Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.
I started in D&A at a mid-size health system creating an Analytics Center of Excellence with expertise in the Population Health arena. Fast forward a few, I moved to a larger team at a regional health system continuing to grow D&A capability, literacy, and governance when COVID happened and the value of D&A shone brightly. I was later recruited by my current employer to lead an even larger division for a very big health system and begin to expand our efforts in delivery to accommodate commercialization of services where appropriate.
What is one of your guiding leadership principles?
Trust in your team and lead with transparency.
With disruption being a key theme of recent years, where do you see the CDAO role going in the next 1-2 years?
Hopefully bouncing back from the economic pressures – we'll have to continue to be strategic to do more with less, without impacting quality of the work in our areas. We'll also need to focus on modifying the vision we set out for the organization to ensure it's still an attainable goal given those external pressures.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out as a CDAO?
Ask questions.
Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself.
- I am very competitive and a huge sports fan. I love football and basketball and watch at all levels.
- I love to feed people. I'm always up to cook or bake something delicious for family and friends.
- When I have down time, you can find me relaxing with a good tv show or movie – all genres welcomed!
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